
The trees in summer or autumn colors, gorgeous views, the right weather, the blue sky, good food and fun, a good car with a good driver–guide from Enjoy Romania, a breathtaking drive…Challenging, rewarding, unforgettable -Transfagarasan  

Facts & Figures

Transfagarasan is not a region of Romania, it is just a road, a magnificent road, but it has many beautiful places around it which travelers can visit before climbing it or downhill. Therefore Enjoy Romania consider it a great attraction.
In September 2009 the cast and crew of the British television show Top Gear were seen filming along the road.  The segment appeared in first episode of Series 14 which first aired November 15, 2009. They were in the country on a grand tour with an Aston Martin DBS Volante, Ferrari California and a Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder. Host Jeremy Clarkson claimed he made a mistake in naming the Stelvio Pass as the best driving road in the world and instead Transfăgărăşan should have this title.

Tourist treasures:

-Adventure and beauty of the route
The road that climbs to 2,034 metres altitude. It is a winding road, dotted with steep hairpin turns, long S-curves, and sharp descents. The Transfăgărăşan is both an attraction and a challenge for hikers, cyclists, drivers and motorcycle enthusiasts alike. Due to the topography, the average speed is around 40 km/h. The road also provides access to Bâlea Lake and Bâlea Waterfall.
Among the attractions along the southern section of the road, near the village of Arefu, is the Poienari fortress. The castle served as the residence of Vlad III the Impaler, the prince who inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula character. There is a parking area and a path to the ruins.
Together with Transfagarasan you can see many beautiful places in the area, as can be seen in this tourist information file.

Time to spend

Minimum 4 days
In order to have a relaxing experience and to view some major attractions that surrounds it, travelers must have at least 4 days available 


More than 150 kilometres in length the Transfagarasan Highway is Romania’s most spectacular road.  Counties that are surrounding it: Valcea has an area of 5,765 km², Arges has an area of 6,862 km² and Sibiu has an area of 5,432 km2.


The road climbs to 2,034 metres altitude, making it the 2nd highest mountain pass in Romania after Transalpina.


This attraction area can be visited only between July to September. The road is usually closed from late October until late June because of snow. Depending on the weather, it may remain open until as late as November.
Temperate continental with warm summers but never hot and cold winters with a lot of snow

  • 2 Days Tour
  • 2 Days Tour
  • 2 Days Tour
  • 2 Days Tour